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Show months   Settings Enter other ID Make a new ID Documentation

Welcome to Absences

You may manage easily with Absences the absences of you and of your friends, colleagues, collaborators, etc. Absences is a tool for absences, attendance lists, task lists, occupancy plans, vacation lists, planning, reservations, timetables, appointments, vacation planning, schedules, etc. See also the examples. Absences is offered free of charge by www.pf-soft.ch. Absences can be used privately and for business. Please send your improvement and correction propositions under 'Feedback'. Thank you very much.

Would you like to make a new ID? Please klick on the link 'Make a new ID'. See Modifications.

The data and the email addresses will not be disclosed to third parties. The data and the IDs will be erased, if they were not been used since 12 months.

Changements: click on a name in a month (on the left) or on the text in a cell to change it. For every day, you can insert 1-max. characters. Instead of empty characters (spaces) use '_' instead. Function is canceled when inactivity of more than 10 minutes. Click on 's', 's+r', or 'b'. All changements are stored. The others will be informed by email, when you make a changement (if so set). Click on 'Show months' and you will see the main view.

Attributes: You may define one or more attributes (properties) for each name. These attributes can be used to list only certain names.

Print: with color: check properties:
- Chrome: Ctrl-P or '...' + Print, 'Additional settings', 'background graphics'
- Edge: Ctrl-P or '...' + Print, 'Additional settings', 'background graphics'
- Firefox: File, 'Page setup', 'Print background (colors and images)'
- Opera: Ctrl-P or menu + page + print..., 'More options', 'background graphics'

Add a name in the monthly overview:
= Settings
= Line 'List of names:' ... 'add new name'
 - Enter the name to be added
 - Click on 'add new name'
= Line 'add name in month:'
 - Select the name to be added
 - Set the start month and end month
 - Click on 'add name in month'

Erase a name in the monthly overview:
= Settings
= Line 'erase name in month:'
 - Select the name to be erased
 - Set the start month and end month
 - Click on 'erase name in month'
= Line 'List of names:' ... 'erase name'
 - Select the name to be erased
 - Click on 'erase name'

Example 1   Example 2   Example 3   Example 4

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