Web » Collegamenti (Links)
Collegamenti (Links) - Web - pianificare, realizzare e mantenere siti internet
- 30 seconds of code - JavaScript Code Snippets
- Angular - One framework. Mobile & desktop.
- AngularJS - version 1.x
- Appscope - Progressive Web Apps
- ArgYou.com - Don't guess - measure!
- Beginner's Guide for WordPress
- Bootstrap Admin Template
- Bootstrap Magic 4.0 - Create your Bootstrap 4.0 themes easily.
- Bootstrap Studio - A powerful desktop app for creating responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework
- BootstrapCreative
- BootstrapWorld.de
- BrainBox Solutions - Datenschutz-Generator Schweiz
- BrainBox Solutions - Impressum-Generator Schweiz
- Channel 9: HTML5 & CSS3 Fundamentals
- Charbase - A visual unicode database
- CHIP - Tabellen in Wordpress-Artikel einfügen: So geht's
- Code Beautify - HTML Viewer
- codecademy.com - HTML & CSS
- CodePen.io - The best place to build, test, and discover front-end code.
- CSS Author - 40+ Best Bootstrap Editors & Builders
- CSS/fertige Layouts - SELFHTML
- css-tricks.com - CSS Tricks
- CSS LINT - CSS Validator
- cssreference.io
- dodwan.com - Les plugins pour créer des tableaux dans WordPress
- DSAT - Datenschutz Self Assessment Tool
- Eclipse - The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration
- ember - A framework for ambitious web developers.
- freecodecamp.org
- getbootstrap.com - Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS
- Google Hosted Libraries -
- holdirbootstrap.de - Bootstrap ist das beliebteste Framework mit HTML, CSS und JS
- hostingliste.ch: Webhosting-Vergleich - web hosting comparison - comparaison de hosting web
- htaccess-generator.com - .htpasswd generator & .htaccess
- HTML5 UP - ... makes spiffy HTML5 site templates
- infobyip.com - Get your client IP
- Internet-Anbieter - Internet Providers - Accéder à Internet
- IP-Info.org - Check and location your IP address
- JavaScript - SELFHTML
- Jigsaw Demo Site - CSS Validator
- www.jimdo.com
- Joomla Schweiz Joomla - Home - Deutschland Joomla.fr - Accueil Joomla - joomla.org
- Joomla - de.Wikipedia.org
- JoomlaPlates.com - Professional Joomla Templates
- jQuery - write less, do more
- JSCLASSES - icontem.com
- Jsdelivr Features - jsDelivr provides mirrors for npm, GitHub, WordPress plugins, and custom endpoints
- json.org - Einführung in JSON
- kundennutzen.ch - HTML5
- libraries.io
- Mobirise Website Builder - Create awesome mobile-friendly websites! No coding and free.
- modified eCommerce Shopsoftware
- muster-vorlage.ch - Datenschutzerklärung Vorlage Schweiz
- Nodejs.org - Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime
- nicepage - Create stunning websites and themes
- Nu Html Checker - experiment in better HTML checking
- Pico CMS - A stupidly simple & blazing fast, flat file CMS.
- Pingendo Bootstrap 4 builder - Design, build and deploy web pages in a flow.
- osCommerce.org
- pixelarity.com - Spectacular responsive site templates for whatever you're building
- placeholder.com - Placeholder Images Made For You [jpg, gif & png]
- Preact - Fast 3kB alternative to React with the same modern API
- PrivacyScore - bewertet Webseite hinsichtlich Sicherheits- und Datenschutzfunktionen
- psd2htmlconverter.com - convert .psd to html + css with many options (not free)
- psdtoweb.de - convert .psd to html + css (result with images only)
- React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- React for Beginners - A React.js Handbook for Front End Developers (freeCodeCamp)
- sans francisco - A collection of tools to help designers
- Schweizer Providerliste - list of providers in Switzerland - liste des providers en Suisse
- Shay Howe: Learn to Code HTML & CSS
- Shay Howe: Learn to Code Advanced HTML & CSS
- sigplus Image Gallery Plus for Joomla
- SimpleSite
- sitepoint.com - A Basic HTML5 Template For Any Project
- sites.google.com
- sitesforprofit.com - How to Create Responsive Tables in WordPress
- SSL Checker - www.sslshopper.com
- Svelte - Cybernetically enhanced web apps
- SWITCH - AAI Resource Registry
- t3n.de - Mit diesen Websites wirst du zum Bootstrap-Profi
- templated.co - A collection of simple CSS, HTML5 & Responsive site templates
- TemplateMonster.com - Create your website with a template!
- TemplateToaster.com - Website Builder | Since 2009
- Test Browser: browserstack.com browsershots.org
Mac: Chrome, Firfox, Opera, Safari Win: Chrome, Firfox, IE11, Opera iOS: iPhone5, iPhone6, iPad2, ...
- TYPO3 CMS: typo3.com
- TypeScript - JavaScript that scales.
- VISCHER Privacy Score. - Fit für das revidierte Schweizer DSG? Die DSGVO im Griff?
- Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework
- W3C - CSS Validation Service
- W3C - Developers Tools - HTML Checker, Link Checker, ...
- W3C - Feed Validation Service
- W3C - Internationalization Checker
- W3C - Link Checker
- W3C - Markup Validation Service - HTML, XHTML, ...
- W3C - Unicorn - Der Einheitsvalidator des W3C
- Wait gif Symbol Generator - ajaxload.info
- Webbkoll überprüft Webseite (Datenschutz, Privatsphäre)
- Webhosting Vergleich - web hosting comparison - comparaison de hosting web
- Website X5
- web-toolbox.net - Nützliches für Ihre Homepage
- WinningWP.com - Six Best Plugins for Creating Tables in WordPress (2017)
- wix.com
- WordPress > Blog Tool and Weblog Platform
- Zertifizierte Schweizer Online Shops